24th Sunday in Ordinary Time
This week in the Church
Please note – the regular parking lot is not available this weekend (Sept. 10/11). Parking is available in the tennis court.
The 1st Knights’ Pancake Breakfast of the season will be this Sunday, September 11th after the 8am & 9:30am Masses – please join us for good food and good company. Please use the front entrance of the hall.
The Knights of Columbus of St. Edmund’s have the honour to announce that the St. Joseph Icon is coming to our Parish on Wednesday, Sept. 14. To celebrate that wonderful occasion, there will be a special Mass at 7pm followed by a Novena to St. Joseph. Everyone is cordially invited to attend
Special donation envelopes are at the Church entrance in support of Healing and Reconciliation – please be generous – there will be a 2nd Collection this weekend after Communion
The Rosary will be prayed every day at 6pm in front of the Grotto for World Peace especially for Ukraine and Russia until the end of the summer. You are cordially invited to join in.
Important Updates
SAVE THE DATE for the Harvest Moon Barn Dance, Saturday October 22, 2022 at 5:30pm for Socializing, followed by dinner at 6:30pm “Put your blue jeans on. It’s time to saddle up”. Volunteers and sponsors needed. Contact Maria De Lucrezia at maridelucrezia@hotmail.com or 604-619-6249 or Marie Dayton at madayton123@gmail.com or 778 927 4542
PREP starts on Wednesday, September 21st – 6-7pm weekly – more details under the “Religious Education” heading
A Pilgrimage to the Holy Land including Cairo, Sinai, Bethlehem, Nazareth and Petra will happen between November 7th & November 20th Information is available from Brian Andrade (778-999-4599)
Red Cross Volunteering
Volunteer now with the Health Equipment Loan Program (HELP) – Client Services Volunteers in the Health Equipment Loan Program volunteer in-person at the North Vancouver depot.
About the Role: Volunteers provide administrative support like answering the phone, scheduling client appointments, coordinating health equipment loans and returns and making minor adjustments to equipment.
Individual Time Commitment: 4 hours once per week for a minimum of 6 months. The North Vancouver depot shifts are Monday to Friday.
Training: A mixture of online & in-person training, no experience necessary!
Apply online at: redcross.ca/volunteer or inquire by email at volunteerBCY@redcross.ca
Helping Refugees
The Parish is in the process of welcoming a family of 5 to North Vancouver. If you would like to help, please join the Refugee Committee by contacting the Parish Office
Parking Lot Paving/Drainage Repair Update
With gratitude, we have raised $154,554 of the estimated $190,000 needed to complete these projects. Work will begin on the parking lot the first week of July.
Losing, Finding, and Rejoicing
In chapter 15 of Luke's Gospel, Jesus tells three parables about losing, finding, and rejoicing. The outcasts of society, the taxpayers, and the sinners approach Jesus eager to hear what he has to say. In Luke's Gospel, hearing is a sign of conversion. The Pharisees and scribes, still suspicious of Jesus, complain about him associating with sinners. So, he tells them these three parables.
In the first story, the parable of The Lost Sheep, the shepherd leaves behind the 99 sheep to search for the 1 lost sheep. When he finds it, the shepherd rejoices not alone as in Matthew's version, but with friends and neighbors. In the same way, God rejoices more over 1 sinner who repents—like the outcasts who have come to hear Jesus—than over the 99 righteous like the Pharisees and scribes.
The second story, about a poor woman who will not stop searching until she finds her lost coin, makes the same point. Why are the Pharisees complaining? They should rejoice when the lost are found.
Finally, we come to what is probably the most memorable parable in the Gospels, the story we know as The Prodigal Son. Just as in The Lost Sheep and The Lost Coin, this story (found only in Luke) is really about the seeker. The loving father is at the center of this parable. Even though his son runs off with his father's inheritance and squanders the money, the father waits for him, hoping for his return. Upon his son's return, the father, “full of compassion,” runs out to embrace and forgive him before the son can utter one word of repentance. At this point the rejoicing begins.
The parable does not end there. Rather, it makes one more point about the older son's reaction. This son who never left, just like the Pharisees and scribes who feel they are righteous, refuses to enter his father's house to join in the rejoicing. He has served his father. He has obeyed him. Perhaps it was not out of love. The father's response teaches us that God's care and compassion extend to the righteous and sinner alike. When we are lost, God doesn't wait for our return. He actively seeks us out. And when the lost are found, how could we not celebrate and rejoice?
~ Loyola Press
Mass Intentions
Sunday, September 11
Spec. Intention Adrian Brecelj (birthday) by Mom
Repose deceased Cusano family members by Angelo & Adelina Cusano
Repose Angela Ng by Elizabeth Wong
Repose Leoncio Pinto by Jasmin Pinto
Monday, September 12
Spec. Intention St. Edmund Parishioners
Spec. Intention Rowena Ramirez by Zofia Bronowska
Tuesday, September 13
Spec. Intention Fernande Husa by Zofia Bronowska
Wednesday, September 14
Spec. Intention Rt. Rev. Alban Riley, OSB by Jane Richmond
Spec. Intention St. Edmund’s Parishioners by Janet Ficocelli
Thursday, September 15
Repose David Campbell by Liz Wong
Repose Guido Oberti by Andrew Oberti
Friday, September 16
Spec. Intention Thanksgiving for Benny Guieb by Fe Guieb
Saturday, September 17
Spec. Intention Sean Harriott by Barbara Stuart
Spec. Intention Thanksgiving Mass by Anish Rodrigues
If you need a Mass Intention, please contact the Parish Office
Great prizes to be won!
September 17, 2022 Early Bird Draw $500 Cash
October 22, 2022 - Main Draw
To pay for the new parking lot and school playground
Tickets are $20 each
They will be sold after all masses next week
Cash, VISA and Mastercard will be accepted
Chances of winning are 1 in 1,000
Parish Groups
ST. Edmund's Christian Meditation Group
Re-starting "In Person" Meditation Sessions
Date: All Mondays at 7:00 PM
Participation in person:
please contact Luis Zunino - lzunino@gzarchitects.com or at 604-987-8304
Option to participate via ZOOM:
For an introductory conversation, please contact Luis Zunino - lzunino@gzarchitects.com or at 604-987-8304 – Afterwards, A ZOOM link will be provided
Catholic Women’s League meetings are now in person on the 2nd Thursday of each month @ 7pm – no meetings during the summer
The Knights of Columbus general meetings are in person on the 1st Tuesday each month @7pm/executive meetings are also in person on the last Tuesday of the month @7pm – no meetings during the summer
St. Edmund's Elementary School
Religious Education
Every Wednesday, September 21st – 6-7pm
PREP Classes for 2022-23
We are happy to announce that starting September 21st, our PREP in-person classes will commence, every Wednesday evening from 6:00pm to 7:00pm in the school and gym. The goal of PREP is to assist parents in the religious education of children attending public school (K to 7) to prepare them to receive the Sacraments (Reconciliation and the Eucharist in grade 2, and Confirmation in grade 7).To register, please email prepatsteds@shaw.ca, or contact the Parish office.
PREP Teachers/Volunteers Needed:
The PREP Program is made possible by the dedicated parents and parishioners who volunteer their time, talents and love for both their faith and children. If you would like to volunteer, we would be very grateful for your generosity. No experience is necessary. Please contact the Parish office or Father Steny.
Children's Choir Training
Every Saturday at 10 AM
Altar Servers’ Training
Every Saturday 11 - 11:30am
Archdiocese Events
Ukrainian Families in Need
We are looking for temporary accommodation for a Ukrainian family of 3, mother, daughter (17 years and speaks English) and son (7). If you can help, please contact Gloria Lowe at glorialowe@telus.net.
We are also looking for a long-term rent accommodation for a Ukrainian family of 4 (mother, father, and 2 kids, 10yrs and 12 years). They have just arrived in Canada and are looking for a place to rent. The father has already got a job, the mother has a work permit, and the kids also have their study permits. If you can help, please contact Chris Charles at chris.chunga@gmail.com.
Moms & Tots Group
Pope Francis has decided the next world Synod of Bishops at the Vatican, which will take place in October 2022, will have the theme: "For a synodal church: Communion, participation and mission." With that in mind, there will be information cards available at the Church entrance with Topics of Conversation suggested on the reverse side and encouraging us to check for updates on the Archdiocese site www.rcav.org/synod
Project Advance 2022
A Letter from the Archbishop
Special Gifts
Bread & Wine
Remember a loved one with a special gift
Financial Updates
Parking Lot Paving/Drainage Repair Update
Remember St Edmund's in your Will
Prayer Requests and Advertisements
Our Parish Community is asked to pray for the Special Intention of St. Edmund Parishioners | ||
Our Parish Community is asked to pray for the Special Intentions of All Carmelite Priests | ||
Our Parish Community is asked to pray for the Special Intention of Father Steny & Father Cannio |