Confession Schedule
At St. Edmund’s, confessions will be available at these times:
After the 9 AM Mass
Saturday from 3:30 PM to 4:15 PM
Additionally, special Penitential Services will take place on the following days at various locations:
St. Edmund’s School – April 4 at 9:30 AM
St. Pius – April 7th to 10th, at 9:30 AM & 7:30 PM
Wednesday, April 9 – St. Stephen’s at 10:30 AM
Thursday, April 10 – St. Thomas Aquinas (STA) at 9 AM
Monday, April 14 – Holy Trinity at 7 PM
Tuesday, April 15 – Christ the Redeemer at 7 PM
Palm Sunday
The Blessing and the Procession with the Palms will take place 15 minutes prior to each Weekend Mass in front of our School. Please arrive early so that you can participate in the solemn entry of Jesus into Jerusalem.
Saturday - 4:15 pm
Sunday - 8 am, 9:30 am & 11 am
Holy Thursday
Stations of the Cross (School) at 11am in the Church
Last Supper at 7pm followed by Adoration at Repose Altar till 11pm
Good Friday
Outdoor Stations of the Cross at 10am.
Lord’s Passion at 3pm.
Easter Vigil, 9pm
Easter Sunday, 8am, 9.30am, 11am Mass
Easter Flower Donations: There are envelopes at the Church entrance. Your donation will help beautify the Church for Easter and they can also be offered in remembrance of a deceased loved one or other Intentions.
The 11am Liturgy on Easter Sunday is a Children’s Mass. Easter Treats will be given to the children after the Mass. If you could sponsor the Treats, please contact the Parish Office. It will be highly appreciated.