Third Sunday of Lent

This Week
Our heartfelt condolences to Father Cannio and his family for their loss. Please keep Father Cannio and his family in your prayers.

Message from Fr. Cannio

2023 TAX RECEIPTS ARE READY TO PICK UP FROM THE PARISH OFFICE or you can call the parish office to have the receipt mailed or emailed to you.
Please do not park in the Fire Zone or on Crosswalk – we have had complaints from our neighbors. It is against city by-laws and you could be ticketed or towed if you continue to do so.
Our heartfelt condolences to the family & friends of Christine Comey who went home to God. May she rest in peace in the Comfort of the Lord. FUNERAL MASS is on THURSDAY.
Our heartfelt condolences to the family & friends of Angelina Carbone who went home to God. May she rest in peace in the Comfort of the Lord. FUNERAL MASS is on FRIDAY, MARCH 8TH @ 11 am here at St. Edmund’s.
FILIPINO MASS – is on Sunday, March 10th, at 6 pm
9 am & 7 pm Masses – 6:30 Stations of the Cross (no 7:30 am Mass that day)
Are you ready to deepen your prayer life this Lent? Join fellow St. Edmund’s parishioners in a Lent Pray40 challenge using the #1 smartphone app for Catholic prayer and meditation, Hallow. The app presents prayer in different audio forms and includes many top Catholic speakers. In the Hallow Pray40 challenge, reflect and pray every day of Lent with Father Mike Schmitz, Jonathan Roumie (Jesus in The Chosen), Jeff Cavins, and others.
St. Edmund’s has organized a 90-day free trial of Hallow for parishioners. To access the free trial, from your smartphone:
Go to and follow the directions to create your account. OR
Using the camera on your phone, focus on the QR code below. A link will pop up. Select the link and follow the directions to create your account.

Important Updates
Holy Week Updates
Confessions are available after the 9 am Mass and Sat. at 3.30 pm to 4.15 pm at St. Edmund’s. Additionally, Penitential Services are:
Friday, March 21 – Holy Trinity @7:30pm
Tuesday, March 26 – Christ the Redeemer @7pm
Tuesday, March 26 – St. Stephen’s @10:30am
The Blessing and the Procession with the Palms will take place 15 minutes before each Weekend Mass in front of our School. Please arrive early so that you can participate in the solemn entry of Jesus into Jerusalem.
Holy Thursday
Last Supper at 7 pm followed by Adoration at Repose Altar till 11 pm.
School Stations of the Cross at 11 am in the Church
Good Friday
Outdoor Stations of the Cross at 10 am.
Lord’s Passion at 3 pm.
Easter Vigil – 9 pm
Easter Sunday - 8am, 9.30am, 11am Mass
Easter Flower Donations: There are envelopes at the Church entrance. Your donation will help beautify the Church for Easter and they can also be offered in remembrance of a deceased loved one or other Intentions.
The 11 am Liturgy on Easter Sunday is a Children’s Mass. Easter Treats will be given to the children after the Mass. If you could sponsor the Treats, please contact the Parish Office. It will be highly appreciated.
Other Updates
THE KNIGHTS’ FAMOUS PANCAKE BREAKFAST will be after the 8 & 9:30 am Masses on Sunday, March 10th. Bring your appetite and enjoy good food and good company.
FILIPINO MASS – is the second Sunday of the month at 6 pm
CHRISTIAN MEDITATION GROUP will meet in person on the third Thursday of the month at 7 pm
PLEASE PICK UP YOUR 2024 ENVELOPES – from the Parish Office. If you still have envelopes from other years, kindly do not use them. Instead, use a plain envelope noting your name and the amount until you pick up your 2024 set.
CWL MEMBERSHIP FEES FOR 2024 are due before the end of APRIL. Kindly bring your cheque or EXACT cash of $40.50 to the office during office hours, or drop an envelope into the communion basket, tagged CWL Membership. If you need to do e-transfer, contact Donna at
BISHOP LOBSINGER MEMORIAL BURSARY – go to the Knights of Columbus notices for important information.
Christ Predicts His Death
In today’s Gospel, we read about how Jesus overturned the tables of the merchants and the moneychangers in the Temple at Jerusalem. In order to understand the relevance of Jesus’ action, we must learn more about the activities that were going on in the temple area. Worship at the Temple in Jerusalem included animal sacrifice, and merchants sold animals to worshipers. Moneychangers exchanged Roman coins, which bore the image of the Roman emperor, for the temple coins that were needed to pay the temple tax.
Jesus’ action at the Temple in Jerusalem is recorded in all four Gospels and is often understood to be among the events that led to Jesus’ arrest and Crucifixion. The Gospel of John, however, places this event much earlier in Jesus’ public ministry than do the Synoptic Gospels. In John’s Gospel this event occurs at the very beginning of Jesus’ ministry, after his first miracle at the wedding feast at Cana.
We must read the Gospel of John carefully, especially in its presentation of Jesus’ relationship to Judaism. The Gospel of John tends to reflect greater tension and animosity between Jesus and the Jewish authorities than the Synoptic Gospels. The Gospel of John was the last of the four Gospels to be written, and its narrative reflects the growing divide between the Jewish community and the early Christian community. Thus, greater emphasis on the distinction between Christianity and Judaism is found in John’s Gospel.
Reflecting upon the destruction of the Temple of Jerusalem (A.D. 70), John recalls Jesus’ cleansing of the Temple and uses that story to interpret this later event. John explains to his audience, an early Christian community, that temple worship would no longer be necessary because it was surpassed in the passion, death, and Resurrection of Jesus. With greater frequency than the other Evangelists, John intersperses post-Resurrection reflections of this Christian community in his narrative.
After clearing the Temple of the merchants and the moneychangers, John’s Gospel tells us that the people asked for a sign of Jesus’ authority to do such an audacious act. In response, Jesus predicted his death and Resurrection. Throughout John’s Gospel, the language of signs is distinctive. Jesus’ miracles are called signs, and the people look to these signs for proof of his authority. Here we learn that the sign par excellence will be Jesus’ passion, death, and Resurrection.
During Lent we reflect upon the meaning of this sign for us and for our world. We might take this opportunity to consider the quality of our prayer and worship. In our prayers we seek to deepen our relationship with the person of Christ. In our worship with the community, we gather to experience anew the passion, death, and Resurrection of Jesus and its significance in our lives. Christ promises to be present with us when we gather for prayer.
- Loyola Press
Mass Intentions
Sunday, March 3
• Healing Mass for Yanic Pean by Chantel Pean
• Repose Nicolau Sebastiao Cardozo by Grace Koo
• Spec. Intention Thanksgiving by Rosa Zivarts
• Repose Carmina & Luz Lammoglia by Elisa & John Bueno
• Repose Nicolau Sebastiao Cardozo by Helen Mercado
Monday, March 4
• Spec. Intention Liz Wong by Zofia Bronowska
• Repose Josefa & All My Loved Ones by Flory Nielsen
• Spec. Intention Leo Fercho by Hildegard Fercho
Tuesday, March 5
• Spec. Intention Jasmin Pinto by Legion of Mary
• Spec. Intention Rev. Steny Mascarenhas by Mel Johnson
Wednesday, March 6
• Repose St. Edmund Parishioners
• Spec. Intention August E. Zivarts by Rosa Zivarts
• Repose Nicolau Cardozo by Elisa & John Bueno
• Repose Nicolau Cardozo by St. Edmund’s School
Thursday, March 7
• Spec. Intention Jovita Ramirez by Zofia Bronowska
• Repose Nicolau Cardozo by Roger & Pat LaBreche
Friday, March 8
• Spec. Intention Leo Fercho by Hildegard Fercho
• Repose Mum & Dad by Rosa Zivarts
Saturday, March 9
• Repose Nicolau Sebastiao Cardozo by Imelda Weafer
• Repose All My Souls by family
Parish Events

2nd Thursday of each month @ 7 PM
CWL MEMBERSHIP FEES FOR 2024 are due before the end of APRIL. Kindly bring your cheque or EXACT cash of $40.50 to the office during office hours, or drop an envelope into the communion basket, tagged CWL Membership. If you need to do e-transfer, contact Donna @

Knights of Columbus
The Knights of Columbus general meetings are in person on the 1st Tuesday each month @7pm/executive meetings are also in person on the last Tuesday of the month @7pm
SPECIAL OFFER - Knights of Columbus - Free 1 Year On-Line Membership. You can enjoy the benefits of being a Knights of Columbus member including Accidental Death Benefit and the famous Columbia Magazine.
After joining, please check your Inbox for confirmation.

St. Eds Christian Meditation Group
Thu 15th Feb @ 7 PM
The St Edmund's Parish unit of the 'World Community for Christian Meditation' (WCCM) will resume its in-person meditation meeting, on the 3rd Thursday of every month at 7.00 pm in St Edmund's Church.
The first (resumed) in-person meeting will be held Thursday, 15 February at 7.00 pm.
WCCM had suspended in-person meetings owing to COVID-19 restrictions but continues to hold a weekly virtual meeting on Mondays (via ZOOM), also at 7.00 pm.
You are sincerely invited to attend the WCCM meeting(s). All are welcome.
To learn more about WCCM, kindly contact: Luis Zunino - email
School Events
St. Edmunds Elementary School
St. Thomas Aquinas Secondary School
Pilgrimage to the Medjugorje Youth Festival & Italy - The STA Alumni Association, in conjunction with STA Campus Ministry, is hosting a Pilgrimage to the Medjugorje Youth Festival and Italy from July 22nd - August 8th, 2024. All STA alumni & their families (18+) are invited to join.
Find more information at:
Religious Education
PREP classes will be held every Wednesday from 6:00 - 7:00 pm at St Edmund’s School
Children's Choir Training
Every Saturday at 10 am
Altar Server Training
Every Saturday 11-11:30 am
Archdiocese Notices & Events
Discover the essence of WYD Lisbon 2023 in the video created by WYD Canada.
Please click the link below:
Denouncing oil pollution in Nigeria

Nigeria is Africa’s largest economy and biggest oil producer. Despite oil exports worth billions of dollars, millions of Nigerians remain in poverty and face food insecurity. In the south, pollution and contamination by the oil industry are causing great hardship.
Development and Peace — Caritas Canada’s partner Health of Mother Earth Foundation (HOMEF) defends farmers’ rights and helps protect their lands.
To learn more about the work of HOMEF, read our Mini-magazine and watch the video at
Special Gifts
Remember a loved one with a special gift
Altar Candles & Sanctuary Lamp
Financial Updates
Remember St. Edmund's in your Will
Prayer Requests and Advertisements
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![]() | ![]() | If you would like to let St. Edmund Parishioners know of the services your company provides, please contact the Parish Office about advertising on this page. Thank you. |
Our Parish Community is asked to pray for the Special Intentions of Ashley | ![]() | ![]() |