The Ascension of the Lord

This week in the Church

Prayers for Velia De Cotiis will be on Monday, June 6th at 7pm and the Funeral Mass will be on Tuesday, June 7th at 11am. Our condolences to Velia’s family and friends. May she rest in peace, in the comfort of the Lord.
Funeral Mass for Bernard Ward will be on Thursday, June 9th @ 11am. Our condolences to Bernard’s family and friends. May he rest in peace in the comfort of the Lord.

During May – the Month of Mary – the Rosary will be prayed every day at
6pm in front of the Grotto for World Peace especially for Ukraine and Russia. You are invited to join in
Important Updates

Between June 28th to July 14th-there will be a Pilgrimage called Beautiful East Europe including Munich, Prague, Krakow, Budapest, Zagreb, Split & Medjugorje. Information is available from Brian Andrade (778-999-4599) or Deon Almeida (778-866-8118)
A Pilgrimage called European Splendor will take place July 29th to August 14th which will include the Passion Play experience. Information is available from Brian Andrade (778-999-4599) or Deon Almeida (778-866-8118)
A Pilgrimage to the Holy Land including Cairo, Sinai, Bethlehem, Nazareth and Petra will happen between November 7th & November 20th Information is available from Brian Andrade (778-999-4599)
A Message from St. Anthony’s Parish - Sanctuary Mental Health Course For Catholics - With all that’s going on currently in our families, our community and globally, is there any one among us who isn’t suffering or knows someone who is struggling with mental health? The Sanctuary Course for Catholics is for anyone who wants to learn about faith and mental health. It requires no previous training or expertise—just a willingness to engage in dialogue with our faith community. The course is 8 sessions long and will be held on Mondays at 7:00 to 9:00 pm from May 9th to June 27th at St Anthony’s Parish Hall. For more information and to register please contact Mary Markwick at 778-847-1426 or by email at
A Message from Holy Trinity Parish - Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration We are grateful the Adoration Chapel at Holy Trinity Parish is open again. We thank God for His generosity and invite you to make time for a Holy Hour, especially during this time when some adorers are not able to attend to their Holy Hours due to illness, or they are away for a short period of time. The hours are as follows:
SUE: 604-986-0425 for SUN. 9:00am/THURS. 6:00am (for 3 mos.)
/THURS. 8:00am
MARLENE: 604-980-2034 for SUN. 3:00 pm/ WED. 1:00pm
MARGE: 604-649-4927 for SUN. 9:00pm/FRI. 9:00pm
We still need SPARES for different Holy Hours as well - your response would be greatly appreciated. Please contact the above contact nos. if you are able to help. Thank you & God bless.
Helping Refugees
The Parish is in the process of welcoming a family of 5 to North Vancouver. If you would like to help, please join the Refugee Committee by contacting the Parish Office
Parking Lot Paving/Drainage Repair Update
With gratitude, we have raised $154,554 of the estimated $190,000 needed to complete these projects. Work will begin on the parking lot the first week of July.
Mass Intentions
Parish Groups
ST. Edmund's Christian Meditation Group
Re-starting "In Person" Meditation Sessions
Date: All Mondays at 7:00 PM
Participation in person:
please contact Luis Zunino - or at 604-987-8304
Option to participate via ZOOM:
For an introductory conversation, please contact Luis Zunino - or at 604-987-8304 – Afterwards, A ZOOM link will be provided

Catholic Women’s League meetings are now in person on the 2nd Thursday of each month @ 7pm

The Knights of Columbus general meetings are in person on the 1st Tuesday each month @7pm/executive meetings are also in person on the last Tuesday of the month @7pm – no meetings during the summer
St. Edmund’s Elementary School

Dear Parents,
What an incredible year it has been and it is hard to believe that we are into the last month of this school year! We are so proud of amazing commitment that the children and staff have put into continuing our quality student programming with the support of our families. We can look back with appreciation for all the learning and growth that has taken place and all the friendships that have been developed and enriched within our community. The remainder of the school year will include many exciting events for our students such as the Track and Field finals, Sports Day, Talent Show, Grade 7 Farewell and a School BBQ Event! Please continue to check your emails for further upcoming information.
To our Grade Seven students and all others who are leaving St. Edmund’s School, we wish you much happiness. We trust that the Christian attitude you have developed and the skills you have learned will contribute to your success and the success of others in the future.
We extend a special welcome to our new Kindergarten class and new families who will be joining our St. Edmund’s community for the 2022/23 school year!
May God bless you,
Ms. Silva
Staffing Updates:
St. Edmund’s has been blessed with a team of great educators who have shown loving care and dedication to bring out the best in all our students. As educators we continue to challenge ourselves to grow and develop professionally. We are grateful to have had the opportunity to work with an amazing team of Learning Support Education Assistants. Miss. Szpak, Miss Wu, Miss Wong, Miss Littlejohn & Miss Miiller. We have also appreciated the additional support of Ms. Maduro and Ms. Chartrand for a couple of days in the latter half of the year. Please keep them in your prayers as we wish them the very best in their future endeavours.
Sacrament of First Holy Communion & Confirmation – Please continue to pray for our school and PREP students who received the Blessed Sacrament for the first time on May 1st and the Gifts of the Holy Spirit on May 29th. We ask that you continue to pray for all our youth as they continue to grow on their journey of faith. A special thank you to our PAC, Kindergarten, Grade 3, Grade 1 and Grade 6 parents for hosting a beautiful reception for each of these special events.
Remembrance Day Poster Winners -
This month our Royal Canadian Legion Branch #118 recognized our school for the 85 entries that were submitted in their annual Poster Contest. Of these entries, 18 students were recognized for placing in the top 3 of their categories and were awarded Indigo gift cards. We are grateful to the Legion for their service and to Mr. Derek Fry who attended the assembly and awarded the following students: Lily Oman, Maria Madureira, Tamarah Villanueva, Qamara Adatia, Victor Domisiw, Isadora Ruelles de Assis Peres, Bronwyn Organ, Elizabeth Nahanee, Valentina Fernandez, Isabel Erthal, Diana Cadar, Kate Fraser, Victoria Turner, Annebelle Stuart-Roca & Erica Ferguson. Additionally Sophia Bersolona, Evangeline riddall and Sophia Vicente were recognized at the BC/Yukon Level Judging for their Junior Video entry and share the $200 prize. Congratulations!
National “AccessAbility” Week Flag Contest
We also congratulate our Grade 6 students Isabel Erthal, Jedrich Landicho, Bronwyn Organ and Elizabeth Nahanee who were selected as the North Vancouver runner ups for their poster entries which can be seen on the Easter Seals Website. The week of May 29 to June 4 celebrates the contributions of Canadians with disabilities and recognizes the efforts of thoses who are working to remove barriers to accessibility and inclusion. Thank you to our students for helping raise awareness to issues of accessibility.
“Walking with Hope” Walk-a-thon
Thank you for continuing to send in your donations for our annual Walkathon. We have currently collected $11,969 towards the resurfacing of our playground. On behalf of our community thank you for promoting this event with your family and friends!
Upcoming Events & Reminders:
Bike to School Week - We are celebrating Bike to School Week this year from May 30 - June 3! We’re encouraging students and families to use active transportation for their trips to school all week - walking, biking, scootering, skateboarding, to help reduce congestion in our school neighbourhood and help students arrive at school energized and ready to learn.
School & Class library books – Please return all library & class books by Friday June 10th so that we are able to complete our inventory. Any misplaced or lost books will need to be paid for by the students/parents. Thank you for your co-operation.
School Uniform: Order by June 15th – We recognize that uniforms may be furthest from mind, however, our provider, Cambridge Uniforms ask that your back-to-school order be placed by June 15th to ensure delivery during the month of August.
Please go to their website, create an account if you don’t already have one, and use the school code TED357 to place your order or book a fitting. A reminder that all uniform pieces are to be purchased from our supplier. We may also have gently used uniform pieces available by donation. Please contact the school office.
Grade 7 Farewell Evening – We will be recognizing our grade 7s for all their many accomplishments on Tuesday June 22nd at 7 pm. Stay tuned for further details. We are so proud of our St. Edmund’s Class of 2022 and ask that you continue to keep them in your prayers as they move forward in their educational journey.
Last Day of School – The last day of school for students is Tuesday June 28th. We will have a whole school Mass at 9:00 am at which our Grade 7s will pass on the light of school leadership to our Grade 6 class. Following classroom activities, report cards will be distributed and dismissal will be at 12:00.
School Safety & Gratitude - I would like to thank all the parents who have answered our call and have continued to provide safety at our crosswalks! Your time and effort is much appreciated at morning drop-off and afterschool pick-up.
Kindergarten Enrollment
We are still accepting applications for Kindergarten. If you know of families looking for an amazing sense of community and Catholic education, please direct them to our school.
June Calendar Highlights:
May 30-June 3 Bike to School Week (or perhaps the month!)
June 9 Sports Day (am) & Early Dismissal 12:00 pm
June 10 No School – Professional Day
June 21 Grade 7 Farewell – Recognition Ceremony
Aboriginal Day
June 24 School Community Year-end BBQ
June 28 Last Day of School for Students
9:00 Whole School Mass
Reports Home 12:00 Dismissal
July 1 Canada Day Holiday
Important Dates for the 2022/23 School Year:
Please remember to check the online calendar and emails for the latest info/changes.
Sept. 6 - First Day of School Oct. 10 – Thanksgiving Oct. 21 – ProDay Nov. 11 - Remembrance Day Nov. 25 – Pro Day Dec. 16 - School closes for Christmas vacation Jan. 3 - School reopens after Christmas vacation
Feb 16&17 - Catholic Educator's Conference
Feb. 20 - Family Day Stat
Mar. 10 - School closes for Spring Break
Mar. 27 - School reopens after Spring Break
Apr. 7 - Good Friday
Apr. 10 - Easter Monday
May 22 - Victoria Day
June 28 - Last day of school
Daily Health Screening
Please be sure to do the Daily Health Screening every day for your child before leaving for school. The BC Daily Health Check tool can be accessed at this link Please follow the suggestions after completing the health check assessment or those of another health care professional.
St. Thomas Aquinas Secondary School
Folks, Food and Fun Campus Ministry International Night Friday, June 3rd @ 6pm
This year's Campus Ministry International Night is 2 weeks away! Please join us for delicious food, entertainment from our STA Jazz Bands and a chance to meet other STA families all while supporting charitable initiatives.
STA Appreciation Day Saturday, June 11th - Mark your calendars! STA is holding its
annual Spring Social with the STA Appreciation Day on Saturday, June 11th, from 1:00pm - 4:00pm at STA. All Alumni, Parents (Current & Parents of Alumni) and Parishes are welcome to attend. More details to follow.
Vaping: Supporting Youth to Make informed Decisions Wednesday, June 8th
at 7:00pm School Gymnasium or STA YouTube Channel
During this STA TALK, parents and kids will learn about: reasons youth vape, vaping stats, the evolution of devices and the impact on youth uptake, signs of vaping activity, industry tactics, risks and protective factors, vaping laws, how to have a conversation with your youth about vaping, and supports for youth who vape/use tobacco.
Bishop Thomas J. Lobsinger, OMI Memorial Bursary Program
Religious Education
Children's Choir Training
Altar Servers’ Training
Archdiocese Events
Project Advance 2022
A Letter from the Archbishop
Apology for the Church's Role in Coerced Adoption
Joy of the Family: A RCAV Family Gathering
Special Gifts
Altar Candles & Sanctuary Lamp
Remember a loved one with a special gift
Financial Updates
Parking Lot Paving/Drainage Repair Update
Remember St Edmund's in your Will
Prayer Requests and Advertisements
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![]() | ![]() | Our Parish Community is asked to pray for the Special Intention of St. Edmund Parishioners |
Our Parish Community is asked to pray for the Repose of the Soul of Rev. John Barry | ![]() | ![]() |
Our Parish Community is asked to pray for the Special Intention of Father Steny & Father Cannio | ![]() | ![]() |