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Jan 21/22 2023 - Sunday Bulletin

The 3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time/Sunday of the Word of God

This week in the Church

Maria Amelia Silva passed away on 17th January, 2023 (Mother of our Principal Diana Silva). Our deep condolences to Mrs. Diana Silva and her family. Funeral Mass is on 24th January, 2023 at 1pm at the Our Lady of Fatima Portuguese Parish on 13th Avenue, Vancouver BC.

2023 COLLECTION ENVELOPES – they are ready to be picked up at the Church entrance and are in alphabetical order. In 2023, it is very important that you use your 2023 envelopes to help ensure that you are credited for any donations. Do not use previous year envelopes, as envelope numbers may change and, again, you may not receive credit for your donations.

2022 TAX RECEIPTS will be available the 2nd week of February.


Important Updates

CWL Coffee Sunday & Bake Sale is after all Masses on Sunday, January 29th. Baking donations will be gratefully received prior to the Masses. Please allow the CWL to price your baked goods.

2nd Sunday of each Month – there will be a Filipino Mass at 6pm starting in February



The Beginning of Jesus’ Public Ministry

Today’s Gospel describes the beginning of Jesus’ public ministry. In the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, and Luke (called the Synoptic Gospels), Jesus’ public ministry begins after his baptism by John the Baptist and after his retreat to the desert where he was tempted by the devil. When Jesus returns from the desert, he hears that John has been arrested.

The first part of today’s Gospel places Jesus’ ministry in the context of the writings of the prophet, Isaiah. Matthew wants to show that Jesus is the fulfillment of the prophecies given to the people of Israel, and he refers to Isaiah to do so. Isaiah says that the Messiah will begin his ministry in Galilee, the land of the Gentiles. When Jesus begins to preach in Galilee, Matthew points to his ministry as a fulfillment of Isaiah’s prophecy, proof that Jesus is the Messiah.

When Jesus called his first disciples, the Gospel tells us that the fishermen (Peter and Andrew, James and John) dropped everything to follow Jesus immediately. Yet this Gospel tells us little about the prior experience that the fishermen had of Jesus. Did they know him? Had they heard him preach? What kind of person must Jesus have been to invoke such a response? We can imagine that Jesus was a powerful presence to elicit a response as immediate and complete as these first disciples gave.

The Gospel concludes with a description of the ministry that Jesus begins in Galilee. Jesus inaugurates the Kingdom of God with his work. He teaches in the synagogue and preaches the kingdom. His ability to cure people’s diseases and illness is a sign of the kingdom. In Jesus’ ministry, we already begin to see the Kingdom of God among us.

~ Loyola Press


Mass Intentions

Sunday, January 22

· Spec. Intention Kole Harriott by Barbara Stuart

· Repose Rosa Zepedeo by Pasqualina Cusano

· Repose John Cusanelli by wife Giovanna

· Thanksgiving to Jesus, Mary & Joseph by Liz Wong

Monday, January 23

· Spec. Intention St. Edmund Parishioners

· Spec. Intention Cheryl Farrell by Sue Farrell

Tuesday, January 24

· Spec. Intention Marietta Dee by Barbara Stuart

· Spec. Intention Elsa Carmona by Zofia Bronowska

Wednesday, January 25

· Repose Maralyn Cunada by Sue Farrell

Thursday, January 26

· Repose Christopher McGuinness by Imelda Weafer

Friday, January 27

· Repose William So & Florence Gee by Gar Quock

Saturday, January 28

· Repose Rosario & Gerson Frias by Aurea Frias

· Repose Clara Alagoa by husband Manuel Alagoa & sister Carmina

If you need a Mass Intention, please contact the Parish Office




Parish Groups

ST. Edmund's Christian Meditation Group

Date: All Mondays at 7:00 PM

Participation in person:

please contact Luis Zunino - or at 604-987-8304

Option to participate via ZOOM:

For an introductory conversation, please contact Luis Zunino - or at 604-987-8304 – Afterwards, A ZOOM link will be provided


Catholic Women’s League meetings are now in person on the 2nd Thursday of each month @ 7pm

SPECIAL NOTE: monthly CWL meetings will be via Zoom for December/January/February

The Knights of Columbus general meetings are in person on the 1st Tuesday each month @7pm/executive meetings are also in person on the last Tuesday of the month @7pm


KINDERGARTEN APPLICATIONS for the 2023/2024 school year are now being accepted at St. Edmund’s School. Please submit a copy of your child’s birth and baptism certificates with your application form. If you are non-Catholic, please submit a birth certificate. Application forms may be printed from our website and e-mailed to the school office at

Kindergarten to Grade 7 Principal: Ms. Diana Silva

Office Telephone: 604.988-7364

Instagram: @stedselementary

Our school is a vibrant faith and learning community dedicated to developing the full potential of each child using Christ as our centre. We are blessed with caring and dedicated educators committed to inspiring life-long learners in all areas. We welcome the opportunity to share the many enriching learning experiences with you and your family. Please contact the school office for more information.

Our Annual Open House is Wednesday, February 15th, 2023 at 6:00pm. All are welcome.

St Thomas Aquinas Regional Secondary School is now accepting applications for grades 8-12 for the 2023-2024 school year. Please visit and click on the Admissions tab for information and the application form. Please contact the school at 604-987-4431 or if you have any questions.

STA School Bucks

February 2023

Take advantage of our one-stop convenient shopping program, SchoolBucks for any of your weekly household purchases, or for gifts. Please complete the order form and return it to the STA office by the order deadline: Thursday, February 2nd

Upcoming STA Community Events Thursday, May 11th – Grandparents Tea If you have any teacups and saucers (must be a set) that you would like to donate to this annual event, please bring them to the bin in front of the school office.

Saturday, October 21st - Oktoberfest

Back by popular demand, our annual Oktoberfest event is Saturday, October 21st, 2023

STA Talk - 9/Feb/2022



Religious Education


Every Wednesday at 6-7pm

Children's Choir Training

Every Saturday at 10 AM

Altar Servers’ Training

Every Saturday at 11 - 11:30am


Archdiocese Events


North Shore ProLife Society is pleased to present "Lifemark" starring Kirk Cameron on Sunday January 22 at Holy Trinity Parish Hall. Movie begins at 3:45pm. Admission is free, with donations warmly welcomed. Snacks and beverages will be available. Please note that the film is rated PG for Thematic elements. Please RSVP to

Project Advance 2022

The Project Advance Webpage is live, please visit

You can donate by scanning ↘

Special Gifts

Remember a loved one with a special gift

Financial Updates

Remember St Edmund's in your Will

Prayer Requests and Advertisements

Our Parish Community is asked to pray for the Special Intention of

St. Edmund Parishioners

Our Parish Community is asked to pray for the Special Intentions of

All Carmelite Priests

Our Parish Community is asked to pray for the Special Intention of

Father Steny &

Father Cannio

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