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Feb 15/16, 2025 - Sunday Bulletin

6th Sunday in Ordinary Time


Important Updates

Online Giving

Make a weekly, or one-time donation to the St. Edmund's Parish collection.


  • Our heartfelt condolences to the family & friends of Marion Frederick, John Longman, Jessie Jacklin, Frances Rive, Mae Farenas & Joseph Lee who have gone home to our Heavenly Father – may they rest in peace.

  • THE ADORATION CHAPEL is open now from 10am to 12pm (noon).  Sign-up is needed on Flock Note. If you are unable to use that method, please contact the Parish Office.

  • Every 3rd Saturday, 9am Mass will be offered to the sick, aged and home bound. After the Mass anointing will take place.  This month, it is February 15th. 

  • TAX RECEIPTS are available from the parish office.  They will be at the Church entrance next weekend.  If you wish it mailed or emailed, please contact the Parish Office. Thank you.

  • REMINDER – the Parish Office is closed on Monday Feb. 17th for Family Day. Reopens on Tuesday the 18th.

  • CWL COFFEE SUNDAY & BAKE SALE is after all Masses on Sunday, February 23rd. Baking donations will be gratefully received before the Masses. Please allow the CWL to price your baked goods.

  • 2025 ENVELOPES ARE READY. Please pick it up from the parish office this coming week. Next weekend they will be in the back of the church. They are in Alphabetical order.

    • We reduced the amount of envelope boxes we purchased therefore anyone who had a number over 401; has been assigned a new number.

  • 2024-25 SUNDAY MISSALS are available from the Parish Office at $5.00 each. There is a limited supply

  • THE FILIPINO MASS is on the 1st Sunday of the month at 6 pm.

  • CHRISTIAN MEDITATION GROUP meets in person on the 3rd Thursday of the month at 7 pm



We are blessed to have many dedicated priests serving within the Archdiocese. Some are now in retirement, and we ask that you keep them in your prayers. If possible, please consider visiting them. Below is a list of their names and locations:

  • Bishop David Monroe – St. Vincent’s Langara, 255 West 62nd Ave., Vancouver

  • Father John Eason – Holy Family Hospital, soon at Dogwood Transitional Care Unit, 500 West 57th Ave., Vancouver

  • Monsignor Dennis Luterbach – Mayfair Terrace, Unit 218, 2267 Kelly Avenue, Port Coquitlam

  • Fathers Wilfred Gomes, Larry Holland, Frank Landry & Lawrence Travis – St. Joseph’s Residence, 3080 Prince Edward St., Vancouver


CWL BOTTLE, CAN DRIVE FUNDRAISER is ongoing. CWL has an account with Return It Express.  You can take your bottles, cans, tetra packs, milk, plant-based beverage containers to any Return-It location.  Instructions are as follows:  

  • Place unsorted bottles in a clear plastic bag(s)

  • Print off sticker @ Kiosk – Use phone # 778-996-3407

  • Text code RVCA TO 778-400-5253

  • To open the door, touch the keypad with your finger or the back of your hand to activate it

  • Enter the one-time pin code you receive by message.  The one-time pin will time out in a few minutes.  Repeat if it has timed out.

  • The Keypad light will turn green. Open door and drop off bag(s)

North Vancouver Return It Express Locations:

  • 310 Brooksbank Ave. (Mon-Fri 8-4/Sat 8-5/Sun 9-5/closed holidays)

  • At Superstore 333 Seymour Blvd. (everyday 8-8)

  • 235 Donaghy Ave. (Mon-Sat 8-5/Sun 10-4/closed holidays)

  • 30 Riverside Dr.-North Shore Recycling Depot (Tues-Fri 8-5/Sat., Sun, Holidays 9-5)


Proceeds from this fundraiser will go towards the renovation of the Kitchen cabinets, countertops, and flooring in the school gym.

If you are unable to return the bottles yourself, please get in touch with Donna @ 778-996-3407 /  Donna will happily pick them up for you and make the deposit.

Please do not drop off bottles at the church or parish office.




Last Sunday, we heard Jesus call Peter to be his disciple. Jesus then travels with Peter and the other disciples. Luke reports acts of healing (a person with leprosy and a paralytic man) and the call of Levi, the tax collector. Jesus also replies to questions from the Pharisees regarding fasting and the observance of the Sabbath. In the verses immediately before today's gospel reading, Jesus is reported to have chosen 12 men from among his disciples to be apostles. Apostle is a Greek word that means “one who is sent.”

Today's gospel reading is the beginning of what is often called the Sermon on the Plain. We find a parallel to this passage in Matthew 5:1-7,11 that is often called the Sermon on the Mount. As these titles suggest, there are differences and similarities between these gospel readings.

When spoken from the mountaintop in Matthew's Gospel, we can't miss the impression that Jesus is speaking with the authority and voice of God. The mountaintop is a symbol of closeness to God. Those who ascend the mountain see God and speak for God; recall the story of Moses and the Ten Commandments. As Luke introduces the location of Jesus' teaching, Jesus teaches on level ground, alongside the disciples and the crowd. Luke presents Jesus' authority in a different light. He is God among us.

Another distinction found in Luke's version is the audience. Luke's Sermon on the Plain is addressed to Jesus' disciples, although in the presence of the crowd; Matthew's Sermon on the Mount is addressed to the crowd. In keeping with this style, the Beatitudes in Luke's Gospel sound more personal than those in Matthew's Gospel—Luke uses the article “you” whereas Matthew uses “they” or “those.” There is also a difference in number: Matthew describes eight beatitudes; Luke presents just four, each of which has a parallel warning.

The form of the Beatitudes found in Luke's and Matthew's Gospel is not unique to Jesus. Beatitudes are found in the Old Testament, such as in the Psalms and in Wisdom literature. They are a way to teach about who will find favor with God. The word blessed in this context might be translated as “happy,” “fortunate,” or “favoured.”

As we listen to this Gospel, the Beatitudes jar our sensibilities. Those who are poor, hungry, weeping, or persecuted are called blessed. This is, indeed, a Gospel of reversals. Those often thought to have been forgotten by God are called blessed. In the list of “woes,” those whom we might ordinarily describe as blessed by God are warned about their peril. Riches, possessions, laughter, reputation . . . these are not things that we can depend upon as sources of eternal happiness. They not only fail to deliver on their promise; our misplaced trust in them will lead to our demise. The ultimate peril is in misidentifying the source of our eternal happiness.

The Beatitudes are often described as a framework for Christian living. Our vocation as Christians is not to be first in this world, but rather to be first in the eyes of God. We are challenged to examine our present situation in the context of our ultimate horizon, the Kingdom of God.

~ Loyola Press


Mass Intentions

Sunday, February 16

  • Spec. Intention Nora Gemino by Sue Farell

  • Repose Frances Rive by Sorensen family

  • Spec. Intention Joseph Petrvalsky by Amelia Petrvalsky

Monday, February 17

  • Repose Jessie Jacklin by Barbara Stuart

  • Repose Mrs. Rose Kerr by Roz Kerr

Tuesday, February 18

  • Repose Wendy Peters by Barbara Stuart

  • Repose Zenon Kaczor by wife & family

Wednesday, February 19

  • Spec. Intention St Edmund’s Parishioners

  • Spec. Intention Patti Calindas by Legion of Mary

Thursday, February 20

  • Spec. Intention Thanksgiving to Holy Family by Liz Wong

Friday, February 21

  • Repose Nicolau Sebastian Cardozo by Jane Richmond

  • Repose Nicolau Sebastian Cardozo by Zofia Bronowska

Saturday, February 22

  • Spec. Intention (Happy Birthday) Frances Watson by Coffee Friends

  • Repose John, Domenico, Mattia & Serafino by family


Parish Events

CWL 2nd Thursday of each month @ 7 PM

Your CWL membership fee is due by April 30th and is $40.50 payable by cheque or by cash.  The fee may be dropped off at the Parish Office or given to Donna Colcleugh or Charmaine Guindon.  Thank you.


Knights of Columbus

The Knights of Columbus general meetings are in person on the 1st Tuesday each month @7pm/executive meetings are also in person on the last Tuesday of the month @7pm

SPECIAL OFFER - Knights of Columbus - Free 1 Year On-Line Membership. You can enjoy the benefits of being a Knights of Columbus member including Accidental Death Benefit and the famous Columbia Magazine.


After joining, please check your Inbox for confirmation.


St. Eds Christian Meditation Group

The St Edmund's Parish unit of the 'World Community for Christian Meditation' (WCCM) will resume its in-person meditation meeting, on the 3rd Thursday of every month at 7.00 pm in St Edmund's Church.

"No Experience Necessary"- The group leader will give new people the basics of meditation and some resources.

WCCM continues to hold a weekly virtual meeting on Mondays (via ZOOM), also at 7.00 pm. You are sincerely invited to attend the WCCM meeting(s). All are welcome.

To learn more about WCCM, kindly contact: Luis Zunino - email


School Events

St. Edmunds Elementary School


Religious Education

PREP 2024-2025

Children's Choir Training

  • Practices will be every 2nd & 4th Saturday of the month @10am - Masses will be every 2nd & 4th Sunday of the month @ 11am

Altar Server Training

  • Every Saturday 11-11:30 am


Archdiocese Notices & Events


A Jubilee Year is celebrated by the universal Church every 25 years, dedicated to encouraging the faithful to embark on pilgrimages, repent of their sins, forgive others, and renew their focus on spiritual life. Learn more about this special year, stay updated with the latest news, and explore how you can participate at



The annual British Columbia and Yukon Bursary program known as the Bishop Thomas J. Lobsinger, OMI Memorial Bursary Program is underway. The 2025 program is now receiving applications. We are privileged to offer fourteen bursaries of $1,000.00 each to Catholic students across the Province of British Columbia. These bursaries are made available on a one-time only basis to young practicing Catholic students who are in post secondary education at a recognized institute of higher learning within the Province of British Columbia. Applications are accepted from January 1, 2025 until June 30, 2025 with the bursaries being awarded in the fall. The Terms of Reference may be found on our web site ( after Jan 1, 2025. 

Requests for application should be addressed to:

Christopher Chen – State Bursary Chairman 

Knights of Columbus BC Charity Foundation 

#333 – 1231 Pacific Boulevard 

Vancouver, B.C. V6Z-0E2 

Deadline for requests for application is June 1, 2025. 

We would like to congratulate the many recipients once again over the past years and look forward to the opportunity to assist many more young people in the advancement of their education.


Making Sense of Adolescence - Zoom Webinar

January to February 2025

Crossing the bridge from childhood to adulthood has never been so daunting. The time of adolescence is longer than ever and yet society today offers little support in understanding or facilitating this transition. The Archdiocese is offering Making Sense of Adolescence, a Dr. Neufeld video course with discussion facilitated by Kevin Bredeman, M.A.

For more information and registration, please contact Joyce Baniqued at


Upcoming Marriage & Family Events

Monthly (various Sundays until June) | Marriage Enrichment at Saint Mark's Parish


Weekend Getaway Marriage Conference Friday, Feb 21 to Sunday, Feb 23

Fairmont Express, Victoria, BC

The Weekend Getaway is a marriage conference uniquely designed to enrich your relationship. For most couples, it's a chance to reconnect, re-establish the foundation, and rekindle romance. For others, it's a fresh start. For some, it will be the weekend that saves a marriage.  Please visit the event page to get the coupon code for a discount on the registration fee. 


Together for Good Marriage Workshop Saturday, Feb 22 | 9:30 am to 4:00 pm

Our Lady of the Assumption Parish, Port Coquitlam

One day could change your marriage! Thousands of couples across Canada have dedicated one day to building a marriage that stays together for good.  The Together for Good Marriage Workshop - a video series by FamilyLife Canada - will give couples tools, exercises, and guided conversations to help them grow a healthier, more joy-filled, and resilient marriage. 



The Beauty of the Faith for Practical Parenting, a talk given by Frances Dee Huang

In her talk, Frances will touch on the adventure of parenting and highlight some overarching bits of wisdom that will leave you inspired and energized as you forge along on your path.  There will be plenty of time for questions.  

The talk includes:

  • The primacy of knowing you are a beloved child of God and how this can be the effective tool for parenting

  • Engaging our children’s hearts and nourishing their souls


  • 10am Coffee and Treats 

  • 10:30 – 11:30am Talk and Question Period

Information:  Jessica Choo 604-922-3526


40 DAYS FOR LIFE LENTEN CAMPAIGN sponsored by 40 Days for Life Pro-Life – Fr. Larry Lynn, Chaplain.  The Campaign begins on Ash Wednesday, March 5 until Palm Sunday, April 13.  For more information, please contact Father Lynn.


Financial Updates

Remember St. Edmund's in your Will

Bread & Wine


Prayer Requests

Our Parish Community is asked to pray for the Special Intention of Father Steny & Father Cannio
Our Parish Community is asked to pray for the Special Intention of Father Jeevan Prakash D'Almeda
Our Parish Community is asked to pray for the Special Intention of St. Edmund Parishioners
Our Parish Community is asked to pray for the Special Intentions of All Carmelite Priests
Our Parish Community is asked to pray for the Special Intention of Anish Rodrigues & Nileema D’Souza


If you would like to let St. Edmund Parishioners know of the services your company provides, please contact the Parish Office about advertising on this page.

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