20th Sunday in Ordinary Time

This Week in the Church
Project Advance : Every gift, regardless of its size, makes a difference. Every gift, regardless of its size, makes a difference. All pledge forms were mailed out; if you receive it and already have given; please disregard and we thank you for your donation.
Please look over information on your pledge form before sending in and make sure it is up to date, make any corrections as needed.
You may also make a donation online here: https://support.rcav.org/project-advance-2023/ Be sure to select St. Edmund's in the parish drop down menu to ensure the excess funds come back to our community.
Important Updates
THE MONTHLY FILIPINO MASS – is on the 2nd Sunday of each month at 6pm.
You can get tickets from parish office during office hours. If you have tickets; please return tickets and payment as soon as possible. Deadline is August 25th.
SPECIAL OFFER – go to the Knights of Columbus notices for important information.


God’s Abundant Mercy
Today we move ahead in our reading of Matthew’s Gospel. Last week we read about Jesus walking on the water and the disciples’ confession of faith that Jesus is the Son of God. If we were reading Matthew’s entire Gospel, we would have read about Jesus’ debate with the Pharisees about Jewish purity laws. Jesus argues that it is not what goes into us that makes us unclean; he is referring to the strict Jewish dietary rules. Instead, our words and our actions—what comes out of us—make us unclean because they emerge from a heart that is unclean.
Knowing about Jesus’ debate with the Pharisees helps us to understand today’s Gospel. In fact the story heightens the surprise and shock we feel as we hear Jesus’ exchange with the Canaanite woman. The woman, who is not Jewish, approaches Jesus, requesting that he heal her demon-possessed daughter. At first Jesus ignores her; he says nothing. The disciples ask Jesus to send her away, and Jesus agrees, remarking that he was sent to minister to the Jews alone.
The woman persists, paying homage to Jesus, and yet Jesus denies her request again. He even insults her, using a Jewish word of derision for Gentiles, “dog.” But the woman cleverly turns Jesus’ insult into an affirmation of faith. Only then does Jesus grant her request and heal her daughter.
Jesus’ unresponsiveness to this woman may strike us as uncharacteristic or shocking. Yet in Matthew’s Gospel, Jesus’ ministry is directed primarily to the people of Israel. At only a very few points, such as the one found in today’s Gospel, do we find Jesus anticipating the later Christian ministry to the rest of the world.
Behind Matthew’s text we can hear this early Christian community’s struggle to understand how God’s selection of Israel is consistent with two events: Israel’s rejection of Jesus and the Gentiles’ acceptance of Jesus. Just as Jesus was surprised by the faith expressed by the Canaanite woman, so too the first Christians were surprised that the Gentiles would receive the salvation God offered through Christ. In today’s second reading from Paul’s letter to the Romans, we hear the apostle Paul considering this same concern.
The faith that the Canaanite woman expresses is an affirmation of and confidence in God’s abundant mercy. Yes, salvation comes through Israel, but it overflows for the benefit of all.
- Loyola Press
Mass Intentions
Sunday, August 20
· Spec. Intention Marcin Ozdoba by Peter & Fernande Husar
· Spec. Intention Thanksgiving by Mariel Dela Pena
· Repose Domenico & Rosa Cusano by daughter-in-law Rosa
· Repose Oliver Dimapilis by Cloma family
Monday, August 21
· Spec. Intention Curtis Harriott by Barbara Stuart
· Spec. Intention Martha & Gary Martin by Pat LaBreche
Tuesday, August 22
· Repose St. Edmund Parishioners
· Repose Jean Walters by Barbara Stuart
· Spec. Intention Frank Giustra by Emilia Ilar
Wednesday, August 23
· Repose Guido Oberti by Andrew Oberti
· Repose Cristino Ficocelli by wife Janet
Thursday, August 24
· Repose Estelita & Leoncio Pinto by daughter Jasmin
Friday, August 25
· Spec Intention Linda Dimapilis & family by Cloma family
· Repose Ampro Esta by Maram Vallo
Saturday, August 26
· Repose Oliver Dimapilis by Rojo family
· Repose Clara Alagoa by Marilyn & Manuel Alagoa
Parish Events

2nd Thursday of each month @ 7 PM

Knights of Columbus
The Knights of Columbus general meetings are in person on the 1st Tuesday each month @7pm/executive meetings are also in person on the last Tuesday of the month @7pm
SPECIAL OFFER - Knights of Columbus - Free 1 Year On-Line Membership. You can enjoy the benefits of being a Knights of Columbus member including Accidental Death Benefit and the famous Columbia Magazine.
After joining, please check your Inbox for confirmation.

St. Eds Christian Meditation Group
Mondays @ 7 PM
Participation in person: please contact Luis Zunino (lzunino@gzarchitects.com) or at 604-987-8304.
Option to participate via ZOOM: For an introductory conversation, please contact Luis Zunino

Lessons are available to book at https://cjtenniscoaching.ca/booking-page-groups
Registration for Summer camps & lessons is now available.
Religious Education
Schedule will be published late Summer
Children's Choir Training
Every Saturday at 10am (2nd & 4th Saturday in August)
Altar Server Training
Every Saturday 11-11:30am (2nd & 4th Saturday in August)
Archdiocese Notices & Events
Dear Parishioners,
We are writing to seek your support for the 2023 Project Advance campaign. Project Advance allows the Archdiocese of Vancouver and, more particularly, our St. Edmund's community to come together to support communal projects.
Please see Archbishop Millar's video message attached (click on link below and scroll down to watch video)
Our Parish fundraising goal for the Archdiocese this year is $33,000. This means that anything raised over $33,000 comes back to St. Edmunds for local projects. Last year we were able to repair and replace the underground plumbing and pavement in the school parking lot.
Currently, the stairs leading from the rectory need to be replaced. Our current goal is to raise funds to replace and extend the deck from the rectory to the Church/sacristy. This will provide an opportunity to extend the outdoor space to accommodate more people, provide a space to socialize, and provide a separate outdoor space for quiet reflection and prayer.
Every gift, regardless of its size, makes a difference. All pledge forms were mailed out; if you have already donated; please disregard and we thank you. Please check your pledge form to be sure information is correct’ make any corrections needed when you send in your pledge.
You may also make a donation online here: https://support.rcav.org/project-advance-2023/
Be sure to select St. Edmund's in the parish drop down menu to ensure the excess funds come back to our community.
Thank you for your generosity
Development & Peace, Caritas Canada
Vancouver Council
The Council is hosting a Regional Assembly/Retreat from Friday afternoon, September 22nd to Sunday morning, September 24th at Carmel Hill, Little Flower Monastery, Deroche (after Mission), BC. This retreat is open to everyone. The theme is "Create Hope".
Regional Assembly/Retreat Cost At A Glance:
Little Flower Monastery Registration Fee - $60 per person
Friday to Sunday with 5 meals (2 nights) - $220 per person
Saturday sessions only with lunch & dinner - $110 per person
Saturday to Sunday (1 night w/ 4 meals) – 2 breakfasts, Lunch &
Dinner - $134 per person
Speakers for this retreat are: Carl Hetu, Executive Director, Development & Peace (Montreal); Denis Boyd, Registered Psychologist& Michael Dougherty from Whitehorse/Yukon.
Any questions, please contact Pinky Pascual at pinky.devpeace@gmail.com
or 1-604-612-9677.
Worldwide Marriage Encounter
Rekindle the romance, remind yourselves why you fell in love and learn how to make a good marriage even better!
WWME is offering a weekend marriage retreat this fall. Oct. 27-29, 2023.
❤Early bird special before Sept. 5. ❤
Registration closes Oct. 17, 2023. You both deserve it!
Special Gifts
Remember a loved one with a special gift
For the weeks of July 22nd to September 1
Special Intention for Ashley
Donated by Lynn
Financial Updates
Remember St. Edmund's in your Will
Prayer Requests and Advertisements
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