The 4th Sunday of Easter
World Day of Prayer for Vocations

Important Updates
WORK OF VOCATIONS 2ND COLLECTION: This Good Shepherd Sunday, April 21, the second collection will support the next generation of priests in our Archdiocese. It funds the discernment, formation and education of our seminarians, ensuring that they receive the preparation necessary for them to be good shepherds who are effective in their priestly ministry.
Our heartfelt condolences to the family & friends of Eddy Martin. May he rest in peace in the Comfort of the Lord. FUNERAL MASS: WEDNESDAY, APRIL 24TH @ 11 AM here at St. Edmund’s
CWL COFFEE SUNDAY & BAKE SALE is after all Masses on Sunday, April 27th. Baking donations will be gratefully received before the Masses. Please allow the CWL to price your baked goods.
Special Notes
FILIPINO MASS – is on the second Sunday of each month at 6 pm.
CHRISTIAN MEDITATION GROUP will meet in person on the third Thursday of the month at 7 pm
2023 Tax Receipts can be picked up from the parish office or call the parish office to have them mailed or emailed.
2ND COLLECTION ENVELOPES FOR ONLINE & PRE-AUTHORIZED GIVING USERS ARE AVAILABLE. If you would like a set, please pick it up from the parish office.
CWL MEMBERSHIP FEES FOR 2024 are due before the end of APRIL. Kindly bring your cheque or EXACT cash of $40.50 to the office during office hours, or drop an envelope into the communion basket, tagged CWL Membership. If you need to do e-transfer, contact Donna at
BISHOP LOBSINGER MEMORIAL BURSARY – go to the Knights of Columbus notices for important information.
In each of the three lectionary cycles, our Gospel is taken from the 10th chapter of the Gospel of John. In Cycle B, we hear the middle verses of this chapter. Unless we consider this chapter in the greater context of John’s Gospel, we will miss the radical nature of the statement Jesus makes when he declares himself to be the Good Shepherd.
This chapter of John’s Gospel follows Jesus’ healing of the man born blind and the rejection of this miracle by the Jewish leaders who question Jesus’ authority to heal. Jesus responds to this challenge by calling himself the Good Shepherd. He is criticizing the leadership of the Pharisees and the other Jewish leaders. The Pharisees and other Jewish leaders are so angry that they attempt to stone and arrest Jesus (see John 10:31,39). This controversy with the religious leaders continues until Jesus’ death.
In the portion of the chapter that we hear proclaimed today, Jesus describes his relationship with his followers as similar to the relationship between a good shepherd and his sheep. As a good shepherd will risk and lay down his life in order to protect his sheep, Jesus willingly sacrifices himself for the sake of his sheep. Jesus contrasts the actions of the good shepherd with the actions of the hired shepherd who abandons the sheep in the face of danger. In the verses following Jesus' teaching, we learn that the Pharisees and the other religious leaders understand that Jesus is referring to them when he describes the hired shepherds.
The concern of a good shepherd for his sheep is part of the shepherd’s job. Jesus says, however, that the actions of the good shepherd are based upon the relationship that develops between the shepherd and the sheep. This is at the heart of the difference between the good shepherd and the hired shepherd. The good shepherd knows the sheep and therefore acts out of love. For the Good Shepherd, this is never simply part of a job; this love-in-action is integral to his identity.
As with so much of John’s Gospel, one hears in this passage John’s particular focus on Christology. As the sheep are known by the Good Shepherd, the Father knows Jesus and Jesus knows the Father. There is an essential unity between the Father and the Son. The freedom with which Jesus acts when he lays down his life is rooted in the unity that he shares with his Father.
In this context, Jesus also refers to others with whom he shares a relationship. By this reference, John probably understands the eventual inclusion of the Gentiles in the Christian community. Our modern ears hear this as a reference to Christian unity. The work of ecumenism is to restore unity among all Christians so that we form one flock under one shepherd, as God desires.
~ Loyola Press
Mass Intentions
Sunday, April 21
· Healing Mass for Yanic Pean by Chantelle Pean
· Repose Rodolfo Oandasan by wife Anita
· Repose Geronimo Macuroy by family
· Repose Serafino & Maria Cusano/Fiore & Enza Romano by Adelina Cusano
· Repose Milagros Limson, Malou Arcenas & Didith Gonzalez by Elisa & John Bueno
Monday, April 22
· Spec. Intention St. Edmund Parishioners
· Spec. Intention Diana Froh by Sue Farrell
· Repose Margaret Dale by Angela Anzovino
· Repose Dominic Milia by Teresa, Maria & Milia family
Tuesday, April 23
· Repose Philip Tse by Barbara Stuart
· Repose Jozef Husar by Peter & Fernande Husar
· Spec. Intention Liz Shaw by Father Mario Fernandes
Wednesday, April 24
· Repose Beverley Larose by Antoine Larose
Thursday, April 25
· Repose Laurette Larose by Antoine Larose
Friday, April 26
· Spec. Intention Caleb Geue by Barbara Stuart
· Repose Manuel A. Canhoto by Ludovina Santos
Parish Events

2nd Thursday of each month @ 7 PM
CWL MEMBERSHIP FEES FOR 2024 are due before the end of APRIL. Kindly bring your cheque or EXACT cash of $40.50 to the office during office hours, or drop an envelope into the communion basket, tagged CWL Membership. If you need to do e-transfer, contact Donna @

Knights of Columbus
The Knights of Columbus general meetings are in person on the 1st Tuesday each month @7pm/executive meetings are also in person on the last Tuesday of the month @7pm
SPECIAL OFFER - Knights of Columbus - Free 1 Year On-Line Membership. You can enjoy the benefits of being a Knights of Columbus member including Accidental Death Benefit and the famous Columbia Magazine.
After joining, please check your Inbox for confirmation.

St. Eds Christian Meditation Group
Thu 15th Feb @ 7 PM
The St Edmund's Parish unit of the 'World Community for Christian Meditation' (WCCM) will resume its in-person meditation meeting, on the 3rd Thursday of every month at 7.00 pm in St Edmund's Church.
The first (resumed) in-person meeting will be held Thursday, 15 February at 7.00 pm.
WCCM had suspended in-person meetings owing to COVID-19 restrictions but continues to hold a weekly virtual meeting on Mondays (via ZOOM), also at 7.00 pm.
You are sincerely invited to attend the WCCM meeting(s). All are welcome.
To learn more about WCCM, kindly contact: Luis Zunino - email
School Events
St. Edmunds Elementary School

St. Thomas Aquinas Secondary School
Spring is here! The STA Parent Association is once again selling a beautiful selection of spring plants, hanging flower baskets, herbs, veggies, succulents, and more. Click here to make your purchase today.
Deadline: Tuesday, April 23 at midnight/Pick up: May 8 & 9
Pilgrimage to the Medjugorje Youth Festival & Italy - The STA Alumni Association, in conjunction with STA Campus Ministry, is hosting a Pilgrimage to the Medjugorje Youth Festival and Italy from July 22nd - August 8th, 2024. All STA alumni & their families (18+) are invited to join.
Find more information at:
Religious Education
PREP classes will be held every Wednesday from 6:00 - 7:00 pm at St Edmund’s School
Children's Choir Training
Every Saturday at 10 am
Altar Server Training
Every Saturday 11-11:30 am
Archdiocese Notices & Events
Every third Sunday of the month | 9:00 am - 11:00 am
Location varies each month

This program aims to empower the next generation of young men by nurturing virtues, life skills, and strong character traits through shared father-son experiences.
Click here to register or to learn more.
Special Gifts
Remember a loved one with a special gift
Financial Updates
Remember St. Edmund's in your Will
Prayer Requests
Our Parish Community is asked to pray for the Special Intentions of Ashley
Our Parish Community is asked to pray for the Special Intention of Father Steny & Father Cannio
Our Parish Community is asked to pray for the Special Intention of St. Edmund Parishioners
Our Parish Community is asked to pray for the Special Intentions of All Carmelite Priests
If you would like to let St. Edmund Parishioners know of the services your company provides, please contact the Parish Office about advertising on this page.