The 3rd Sunday of Easter

Important Updates

THE KNIGHTS’ FAMOUS BBQ will be held after all Masses on Sunday, April 14th – now that Covid 19 is thankfully behind us – let’s get together and enjoy good company and delicious food!
FILIPINO MASS – is on April 14th at 6 pm
CHRISTIAN MEDITATION GROUP will meet in person on Thursday 18th at 7 pm
2023 Tax Receipts can be picked up from the parish office or call the parish office to have them mailed or emailed.
2ND COLLECTION ENVELOPES FOR ONLINE & PRE-AUTHORIZED GIVING USERS ARE AVAILABLE. If you would like a set, please pick it up from the parish office.
CWL MEMBERSHIP FEES FOR 2024 are due before the end of APRIL. Kindly bring your cheque or EXACT cash of $40.50 to the office during office hours, or drop an envelope into the communion basket, tagged CWL Membership. If you need to do e-transfer, contact Donna at
BISHOP LOBSINGER MEMORIAL BURSARY – go to the Knights of Columbus notices for important information.
On The Road To Emmaus
On the third Sunday of Easter, we continue to hear Gospel accounts of Jesus’ appearances to his disciples following his Resurrection. Today’s reading, taken from the Gospel of Luke, follows immediately after the report of Jesus' appearance to his disciples on the road to Emmaus. This is the event being recounted by the disciples in the opening verse of today’s Gospel.
Consistently in the reports of Jesus’ post-Resurrection appearances, Jesus greets his disciples with the words, “Peace be with you.” This is a most appropriate greeting. The disciples have witnessed the death of someone they loved, and they now fear for their own lives as well. Peace is what they need more than anything else. Jesus often connects this greeting of peace with another gift—forgiveness. In today’s Gospel, this connection is made in the final verses.
Even as they hear Jesus’ greeting of peace, the disciples are startled and terrified. They are uncertain about what to make of the figure before them and, quite understandably, they mistake Jesus for a ghost. Yet the figure before them is not a ghost; Jesus invites them to experience his resurrected body with their senses, to look and to touch. The figure before them is flesh and bone, still bearing the marks of crucifixion. Although the disciples cannot forget his suffering and death, peace begins to take root in their hearts, as their fears turn to joy and amazement.
As further proof of his identity and of his resurrected body, Jesus eats with his disciples. The disciples have known Jesus best through the meals that he has shared with them. Descriptions of these meals are a defining element of Luke’s Gospel. By eating with his disciples after his Resurrection, Jesus recalls all these meals, and most importantly, he recalls the Last Supper.
Luke’s report of the Last Supper and the meals that Jesus shared after his Resurrection unveil for us the significance of the Eucharist. Having shared a meal with his disciples, Jesus now uncovers for them the significance of what was written about him in the Scriptures. So, too, our celebration of the Mass is an encounter with Jesus, through the Word and the Sacrament of the Eucharist. As Jesus commissions his disciples to be witnesses to what Scriptures foretold, our celebration of the Eucharist commissions us. Like the disciples, we are sent to announce the good news of Jesus’ forgiveness of sins.
~ Loyola Press
Mass Intentions
Sunday, April 14
• Healing Mass for Yanic Pean by Chantelle Pean
• Spec. Intention (Birthday) Von Kenneth Calingasan by Erna Mills
• Repose Luci Murray by Liz Snadel
• Repose Robert Deal by Grace Koo & family
• Repose Rosalina Macuroy by family
Monday, April 15
• Repose Robert Deal by Grace Koo & family
• Repose Victorino Gaskell by Antonio Gaskell
Tuesday, April 16
• Repose St. Edmund Parishioners
• Repose Robert Deal by Grace Koo & family
Wednesday, April 17
• Repose Robert Deal by by Grace Koo & family
Thursday, April 18
• Spec. Intention Nigel Harriott by Barbara Stuart
• Repose Robert Deal by Grace Koo & family
Friday, April 19
• Repose Robert Deal by Grace Koo & family
• Repose Carol & Harold Palleson
Saturday, April 20
• Repose Robert Deal by Grace Koo & family
• Repose John Cusanelli by Giovanna Cusanelli
Parish Events

2nd Thursday of each month @ 7 PM
CWL MEMBERSHIP FEES FOR 2024 are due before the end of APRIL. Kindly bring your cheque or EXACT cash of $40.50 to the office during office hours, or drop an envelope into the communion basket, tagged CWL Membership. If you need to do e-transfer, contact Donna @

Knights of Columbus
The Knights of Columbus general meetings are in person on the 1st Tuesday each month @7pm/executive meetings are also in person on the last Tuesday of the month @7pm
SPECIAL OFFER - Knights of Columbus - Free 1 Year On-Line Membership. You can enjoy the benefits of being a Knights of Columbus member including Accidental Death Benefit and the famous Columbia Magazine.
After joining, please check your Inbox for confirmation.

St. Eds Christian Meditation Group
Thu 15th Feb @ 7 PM
The St Edmund's Parish unit of the 'World Community for Christian Meditation' (WCCM) will resume its in-person meditation meeting, on the 3rd Thursday of every month at 7.00 pm in St Edmund's Church.
The first (resumed) in-person meeting will be held Thursday, 15 February at 7.00 pm.
WCCM had suspended in-person meetings owing to COVID-19 restrictions but continues to hold a weekly virtual meeting on Mondays (via ZOOM), also at 7.00 pm.
You are sincerely invited to attend the WCCM meeting(s). All are welcome.
To learn more about WCCM, kindly contact: Luis Zunino - email
School Events
St. Edmunds Elementary School

St. Thomas Aquinas Secondary School
Spring is here! The STA Parent Association is once again selling a beautiful selection of spring plants, hanging flower baskets, herbs, veggies, succulents, and more. Click here to make your purchase today.
Deadline: Tuesday, April 23 at midnight/Pick up: May 8 & 9
Pilgrimage to the Medjugorje Youth Festival & Italy - The STA Alumni Association, in conjunction with STA Campus Ministry, is hosting a Pilgrimage to the Medjugorje Youth Festival and Italy from July 22nd - August 8th, 2024. All STA alumni & their families (18+) are invited to join.
Find more information at:
Religious Education
PREP classes will be held every Wednesday from 6:00 - 7:00 pm at St Edmund’s School
Children's Choir Training
Every Saturday at 10 am
Altar Server Training
Every Saturday 11-11:30 am
Archdiocese Notices & Events
April 19 - 21 | Friday, 7:00 PM (MST) - Sunday, 4:00 PM (MST)
$130 cost to register

Even when a marriage is going smoothly, there are always opportunities to make it work better. The Marriage Encounter experience is a heart haven that helps you listen, share, and connect more deeply.
There is no group discussion. It's just about the two of you learning to be the best, most loving and thriving couple you can be.
Click here to register or to learn more.
Saint Pedro Calungsod Feast

Join the Celebration of the Feast in St. Peter's Parish, New Westminster on Apr. 14, Sunday, 7 pm. It's a Tagalog Mass Fr. Vince Miguel, a visiting priest from the Phil. will celebrate the Mass.
Wednesday, April 10 & April 17 | 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm Zoom Webinar

We all have a vision from our childhood as to how our life will play out: for some, it is finding that one great love, getting married, and starting a family. But then, for reasons we cannot explain, things don't work out that way. Perhaps we find we are having difficulty conceiving a child, or we have miscarried - maybe multiple times - or we've suffered the loss of an infant or child.
Please join us for a two-part webinar series meant to offer both practical information and resources about infertility, and pastoral care and support about how to navigate the cross of infertility.
Click here to register or to learn more.
Special Gifts
Remember a loved one with a special gift
Financial Updates
Remember St. Edmund's in your Will
Prayer Requests
Our Parish Community is asked to pray for the Special Intentions of Ashley
Our Parish Community is asked to pray for the Special Intention of Father Steny & Father Cannio
Our Parish Community is asked to pray for the Special Intention of St. Edmund Parishioners
Our Parish Community is asked to pray for the Special Intentions of All Carmelite Priests
If you would like to let St. Edmund Parishioners know of the services your company provides, please contact the Parish Office about advertising on this page.